
BuildBetter's Zoom App integration is an extension that enhances the functionality of the platform by enabling seamless recording of Zoom calls. This integration is optional and designed to offer users more control over their call recording preferences.


Integrating with the Zoom App allows users to manually start or end call recordings, providing them with more flexibility and control over their call data. It eliminates the need for manual upload of Zoom call recordings, saving time and ensuring all relevant calls are captured and stored in BuildBetter.

How to Use

To use the Zoom App integration:

  1. Navigate to the Settings by clicking on your profile picture in the upper right-hand corner.
  2. Click on "Integrations".
  3. Under the "Call recording" header, find the Zoom App integration option and click "Connect".
  4. Follow the prompts to authorize BuildBetter's access to your Zoom account.

Use Cases

The Zoom App integration is particularly useful for:

Common Issues

Users may sometimes face difficulties in setting up the Zoom App integration or might encounter issues due to incorrect Zoom credentials.


If you're having trouble setting up the Zoom App integration, make sure you're following the correct steps and entering the correct Zoom credentials. If the problem persists, check the documentation of Zoom or contact their support.